Wiki JW modifier for Medicare?

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Base on the new information on the CMS website do we still use the JW modifier for waste or do we bill for all units together. By reading it sound a little confusing but I could be reading in to it too much. Here is the reading I got from the CMS website:

(CMS encourages physicians to schedule patients in such a way that they can use drugs most efficiently. However, if a physician must discard the remainder of a vial or other package after administering it to a Medicare patient, the program covers the amount of drug discarded along with the amount administered. To submit a claim when a portion of the drug supplied is unused (discarded), include the total of both the unused and the used portion in the days/units field when reporting the dosage. )
If you include the JW modifier on units that are not used, then there is some amount of reimbursement. For example, if its a VIAL of medicine with 50 ml and only 45 is used on the patient, then you are allowed to be reimbursed for the remaining 5 ml with the JW modifier since the vial is not going to be reused for another patient and the facility has to pay for the whole vial.

Base on the new information on the CMS website do we still use the JW modifier for waste or do we bill for all units together. By reading it sound a little confusing but I could be reading in to it too much. Here is the reading I got from the CMS website:

(CMS encourages physicians to schedule patients in such a way that they can use drugs most efficiently. However, if a physician must discard the remainder of a vial or other package after administering it to a Medicare patient, the program covers the amount of drug discarded along with the amount administered. To submit a claim when a portion of the drug supplied is unused (discarded), include the total of both the unused and the used portion in the days/units field when reporting the dosage. )

Each Medicare contractor decides whether or not to require JW. Some do, some don't, others don't require it but let you use it anyway. If your quote is from your local Medicare contractor, then it appears that they do not want the JW modifier, they just want it all totaled together.