Wiki Just Venting--Encoder Pro


True Blue
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So I know that many of you have Encoder Pro. I don't know about you, but I DO NOT LIKE the way they have done their most recent re-vamping. IT STINKS. When I do an ENT case, I like to see all of the codes for ethmoid, maxillary, etc all on the same page for comparison...thats no more. When I do a hernia case, I want all my options on one page...not anymore. The only way I've found to get them all on one page is to do a generic search "endoscopy" and then you still dont get them all. I used to be able to search for 21555 and the whole series would come up!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr

What are your thoughts on the changes?
I have encoder pro expert and nothing has changed on mine. I still get all the codes in that section if I enter a code from it.

Laura, CPC