Wiki Just passed CPC exam looking for experience


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Hi, I recently just passed my CPC exam and I am looking for experience. If anyone knows anyone that may be looking for a coder or something related to coding in the Berks County,Pa area please let me know. Thanks:)
Congrats to you. Was it hard taking the test in July Real nervous:(

it wasn't too hard but it wasn't real easy either. I took my time and did the ones I knew like the Icd9 codes and Hcpcs, I did the CPT coding last.
Okay Thanks I am so nervous:confused: What were your studying techiques and what did you use to study with?

don't be nervous...I ended up taking a couple days off from work to study...I studied for about 4 hours or more took breaks in between. I reviewed my book and guideline, also took the online study guide through the AAPC over and over agin until I felt comfortable. Hope this helps and good luck
Thanks a lot I am taking the AAPC review tests online is this what you meant?
I cannot afford to buy the study guide also;)


Start with answering the easier, shorter questions. You have less than 3 minutes to answer every questions.

150 questions in 5hr and 40min.