Wiki Job while taking CPC Courses?

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Does anyone recommend a job to have while taking CPC courses at the local college, that would help both financially and also for experience for this field?

I'm not certified yet, but I want to get a head start

You may want to try getting a job working reception/ front desk at a physicians office. The revenue cycle starts at the front desk and this will get you familiar with types of visits patients have, insurance companies, etc. I spent 4 1/2 years doing charge entry and front desk work and it really prepared me for my next job. I was taking billing and coding classes at a local community college for the last year of my time there and my experiences at that job even helped me with my classes.
Thank you for the response hperry10.

I am a male, and I am personable, yet it is going to be difficult to find a reception job. I will try though.

Is there any other position that I can do that will get me revenue cycle/medical experience ???
Looking through LinkedIn, all I'm seeing is females that are doing medical coding, both physician offices and hospital. That is across the US.

I keep getting told, males are in this field, males are the best coders, blah blah blah. I'm not seeing it from what I've read on this AAPC forum. Even the usernames are all females.

Did I make a mistake starting this profession as a male? I went to my local AAPC chapter meeting to see what is was like, 95 females, to 2 guys (one of which was me).

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Did I make a mistake starting this profession as a male? I went to my local AAPC chapter meeting to see what is was like, 95 females, to 2 guys (one of which was me).

You are going to find the same with pretty much every office job these days. Men are always going to be a minority in jobs that aren't physically demanding. The question is are you man enough to work in an office full of women? I've been in the insurance business for years and there has always been more men then women but it hasn't caused any issues or held me back.

Another option is to look and see if there are any health insurance companies near you. Claims processing is usually a good starting point as well. I've never worked on the provider side so cant tell you much about that.
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