Wiki Job Search Advice


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This is my first time posting on here but, I thought maybe someone would have any advice for me. I went to school and earned certificates in medical billing clerk, medical coding specialist, and medical transcription. I have been managing a Chiropractic Clinic for the past 8 years. I have been searching for a new job for the past 3 years but I keep getting shut down. I don't know what to do I'm completely frustrated. I thought about getting certified in practice management or going back to school for a degree in business but that does not solve the immediate issue. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Syndee, what does your resume look like? Are you at least getting called for interviews? If not, maybe have someone look at your resume to give you an unbiased view of how you come across. If you're getting called, but not getting the jobs, you may need to look at why. Call someone that you interviewed with recently, and ask them what you could have done differently to have gotten the job, or what it was about you that made them look elsewhere. It might be difficult to hear, but at least you'd have an idea what to do differently.

What kinds of jobs are you looking for? Coding is notoriously hard to break into, as evidenced by the posts on this board, but there are other fields that are begging for help. Call your local hospital, ask for an HR person and find out what their "hard to fill jobs" are. Then find out what you need to do to land one of those jobs.

What's wrong with managing a chiropractic clinic? Just curious, because that can be a challenging and interesting line of work.

Whatever you decide, good luck.
Here's a thought.....may have been overlooked, but if at all possible have someone whom you know and respect (ideally, someone in the profession) conduct a "mock" interview. Perhaps updating your interview skills and general deportment and first impression would be worth re-visiting. It can be awkward, yes, but what have you got to lose, especially since you've been working the past 8 years? It can be brutally "fun!!?"
Thank you for the advice Pam and Suzanne. I will definitely start calling the hospitals and practice interviewing maybe I will find the key to the issue. Nothing is wrong with managing a chiropractors office I have enjoyed it for a long time now. However my mom passed 4 years ago I was her care giver and I decided after she passed that I wanted to move. Plus I just got engaged and he works in Atlanta so it another incentive to leave here. I am looking a job in collections, billing or maybe front desk work I'm very open to different jobs.
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