Wiki Job Experience Before Certificate


Phoenix, AZ
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Hey everyone, new soon to be coder here :)

I am currently taking an online course through Career Step for coding ICD 9 and 10. I expect to be done in January 2016. I am currently unemployed. I am looking for any type of exposure to the medical/healthcare field. I have no direct experience but have experience in data entry/customer service and financial type positions. I would like to get into something to at least be working in the field of healthcare/medicine before I go for a coding job after getting the certification. I feel like being in the atmosphere and position to possibly move to a entry level billing/coding position within the company would be the way to go.

It's very hard and am wondering what others have done if you were/are in my current position. I have been applying to hospitals, small clinics and offices for billing, clerical positions, technicians, patient care, etc. Had some interviews but no luck so far.
I think you are being proactive while getting a feel for what may be "out there". If you dig into the forums here, you'll find lots of advice and encouragement, but be aware that there are som discouraging posts as well. For many, finding that first job to get a foot in the door can be very difficult, but I think you are on the right path.

I am a Career Step graduate from 2008. Lingered around the board for several years after completion. Best of luck to you!
Hang in there

It took me 6 years to find a coding position as a CPC-A and I was already working in the medical field in various fields with a major healthplan for 20 years.
The best advice I can give you is to find anything you can in healthcare like what you are already doing and just keep applying to coding positions eventually someone will give you a chance. Maybe you will be more lucky than I was. I almost gave up lots of times. When I did get my first coding position I took a big pay cut but after three years of being a coder and getting some coding experience under my belt I am finally getting paid much better. I hope to pursue my CCS next. Bottom line you gotta go for it and never quit..keep learning too, the more you know the better advantage you have. Also, you will gain more knowledge and that will only make you a better more rounded coder.
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Try volunteering at a local hospital (acute care, rehab, etc). You may be able to get experience in the medical records department, or whatever they need you to do. It won't pay anything, but being active through volunteering says volumes about you on your resume and helps you have a current reference for your work ethic.
I was very blessed in that I got a job within a few months of passing my CPC exam on the first try. The only experience I had in a "healthcare" field was as a billing specialist for a small-ish speech therapy practice. But I had lots of volunteer experience in my church and in the community over the years.
My other advice to you would be to get the absolute best grade you possibly can on the CPC exam. Aim for that magna cum laude status. I did the AAPC Physician based coding course last year. It REALLY prepared me for the exam. Anything you can do to set yourself above the masses will be a plus.

Oh, the other thing that I did was to take a little course (our church did one) that taught you about resume writing, interviewing, job searching, etc. It had us doing mock interviews with a real HR specialist. Being prepared for all the really bizarre questions that an interviewer can throw at you will give you confidence. I was surprised at how the actual interview I had mirrored what we had been taught.
Good luck to you!