Wiki JA and JZ Modifiers -- which ones goes first?


Jetersville, VA
Best answers
We use an infusion drug at my practice, Orencia (J0129), which Medicare requires a JA modifier for since this medication comes as both a buy and bill infusion drug and a self-injectable drug. With the new addition of the JZ modifier, would the JA modifier still be used first? They're both informational modifiers so I couldn't really find anything clear online.
We use an infusion drug at my practice, Orencia (J0129), which Medicare requires a JA modifier for since this medication comes as both a buy and bill infusion drug and a self-injectable drug. With the new addition of the JZ modifier, would the JA modifier still be used first? They're both informational modifiers so I couldn't really find anything clear online.
There are no official rules about sequencing of modifiers. Most practices will list first the modifiers that affect payment and informational modifiers after that. This is only because some payers' claims systems have limitations on how many modifiers the programming can read and if payment modifiers are left to the end, claims can potentially be paid incorrectly, so it can help avoid errors in some cases. But that doesn't mean there's a right or wrong to sequence them. I would just put the one you think is most important first.
There are no official rules about sequencing of modifiers. Most practices will list first the modifiers that affect payment and informational modifiers after that. This is only because some payers' claims systems have limitations on how many modifiers the programming can read and if payment modifiers are left to the end, claims can potentially be paid incorrectly, so it can help avoid errors in some cases. But that doesn't mean there's a right or wrong to sequence them. I would just put the one you think is most important first.
Thank you!
We use an infusion drug at my practice, Orencia (J0129), which Medicare requires a JA modifier for since this medication comes as both a buy and bill infusion drug and a self-injectable drug. With the new addition of the JZ modifier, would the JA modifier still be used first? They're both informational modifiers so I couldn't really find anything clear online.
jtimothy, I agree with thomas7331's reply above but will add, in this instance, I would personally sequence the JA modifier first since route of administration is the first edit I would expect to process for the claim.