Wiki J44.89 (Other Specified Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)


Casselberry, FL
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Good afternoon, this code was recently added, one of the inclusion terms is Chronic Emphysematous Bronchitis, if Chronic Bronchitis is an HCC and Emphysema is HCC, how is possible that this code is not an HCC J44.89 include the combination of two HCC conditions, in my opinion it does not make sense, can anybody advise?
Good afternoon, this code was recently added, one of the inclusion terms is Chronic Emphysematous Bronchitis, if Chronic Bronchitis is an HCC and Emphysema is HCC, how is possible that this code is not an HCC J44.89 include the combination of two HCC conditions, in my opinion it does not make sense, can anybody advise?

J44.89 is a new code effective October 1, 2023.

There is generally a lag between when a new code is effective and when the risk adjustment models are updated, due to the timing of releases and when they are developed. Because of that, J44.89 was not on the 2024 Initial ICD-10 mapping.

However, J44.89 is included on the 2024 Midyear/Final ICD-10 Mappings, which you can find at this link: