Wiki j1100 and j3301

It's hard to know how to help here without knowing exactly what denials you're getting or what problems you're running into.

I would note, though, that the information you've given isn't sufficient to determine the dosage for the correct coding of the units for the HCPCS codes. "4mg/ml INJ in a 30ml vial" describes the prescription strength and packaging of the mixture, it doesn't tell us how much the patient was given. You'd need that additional information (in mg or in ml) from the record in order to correctly code the claim.
It's hard to know how to help here without knowing exactly what denials you're getting or what problems you're running into.

I would note, though, that the information you've given isn't sufficient to determine the dosage for the correct coding of the units for the HCPCS codes. "4mg/ml INJ in a 30ml vial" describes the prescription strength and packaging of the mixture, it doesn't tell us how much the patient was given. You'd need that additional information (in mg or in ml) from the record in order to correctly code the claim.
It's hard to know how to help here without knowing exactly what denials you're getting or what problems you're running into.

I would note, though, that the information you've given isn't sufficient to determine the dosage for the correct coding of the units for the HCPCS codes. "4mg/ml INJ in a 30ml vial" describes the prescription strength and packaging of the mixture, it doesn't tell us how much the patient was given. You'd need that additional information (in mg or in ml) from the record in order to correctly code the clai
Please advice how to bill J1100 , 4mg/ml INJ in a 30ml vial ,and J3301 40mg/ml INJ in 10ml vial , having denials especially with j1100
Are you including the NDC numbers with them?