Wiki j1055


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j1055 code for medroxyprogesterone acetate 150mg is being rejected by capario as invalid code. encoder pro also has as invalid. when i google for 2014 code j1055 code comes up as the code to use. is there a new code for medroxyprogesterone acetate 150mg? this is what pedicatrian gave to 16 year old patient.
I agree it was deleted in 2013 the new code is J1050 "depoprovera". You may have to adjust your units when entering the code J1050 the book states it is for 1mg. To my knowledge patients usually get 150mg so we had to adjust our pricing and units to reflect the correct price for reimbursment.
I would look under the "Medicare fee schedule" for the correct pricing. Then you may have to adjust the units of the procedure code to get correct pricing per "MG" of medicine. eg: If the medicine is per 1mg as in Deprovera you may need to use 150units to get full credit for the inj. Hope not too confusing.