Wiki J0696

These are 2 different things

90465 is adminitstration of a vaccine/immunization. You should have a matching 90xxx code for the immunization serum itself

The J0696 is for the drug Rocephin. You should have a matching administation code for this depending on how it was given: 96372, IM or 96374, IV Push etc. It's also based on 1 mg so would need to use units when billing

There is no reason that you can not code vaccine/immunization admistration along with drug administration
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Can you use 90465 (immunization fee) with J0696? If so, what diagnosis code would you use?

No you can't use 90465 w/J0696. You would use 96372 or 96374. The dx code that would be use the 'reason' you are giving the drug. For example - Infection, Cellulitis...
Hope this info helps.