Wiki J 0585 (Botox injection)


True Blue
Bellerose, NY
Best answers
Good morning everyone,

Patient received total 300 units Botox injection. Is it OK to bill J0585 x 300??

I am sorry. We are going to take over new clinic .They are going to use EMG guidance to give Botox injection . I am not sure how to bill for that.

Thanks for your feedback/help.

Have a nice day

I work in an orthopedic clinic and that is what I bill out as well. J0585 and qty of 300 units or however many units they inject.
EMG during Botox

I believe the EMG code you are looking for is 95870. As far as the units, I always split them up to 2 digit units.


J0585 qty 99
J0585 qty 99
J0585 qty 99
J0585 qty 3
Good morning everyone,

Patient received total 300 units Botox injection. Is it OK to bill J0585 x 300??

I am sorry. We are going to take over new clinic .They are going to use EMG guidance to give Botox injection . I am not sure how to bill for that.

Thanks for your feedback/help.

Have a nice day

Yes, you bill the # of units (including any waste that was not able to be used for another patient) that was injected.

EMG code for chemodenervation guidance is 95874.