Wiki IVP's through infusion punp


Dayton, WY
Best answers
If nursing runs 3 IVP drugs, that are admixed in same bag, through an infusion pump for 20 min. should you code for 1 IVP, since the drugs given are considered to be IVP drugs or do you go for the IV infusion charge based solely on the time factor. (96375 vs 96367)

Any thoughts would be great as I have been battling this in my own brain for awhile.

Drugs through pump

If the drugs are being infused through the pump, that is the route of administration-96416. If it is concurrent to chemo add a 59 to to 96416.
Just because the drug is typically an IVP drug you cannot charge an IVP code.
Tricia D

Guess I was not very clear. It is an IV infusion pump in the treatment center not a pump for long term infusion that is filled for the patient and they wear home.
pump infusion

It does not matter. If the drugs are mixed together, that is one infusion based on how long they were infused. In this case, you say they are going home with the drugs. You could not call an infusion via pump a push. The code for infusion via pump is still 96416.
No matter what drug it is, you should code how they are delivered. If they are administered through one 20 minute infusion, it is either a 96365 or 96367 depending on what other drugs are given.
The 96416 should not be used unless infusion is greater than 8 hours.