Wiki IVP and hydration time calculations


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I have a question about IV Push and hydration coding concerning the time calculations.
Concerning this scenario:

IV fluids and medications
Fluids 0.9% Normal Saline ...
VOLUME of 0.9% Normal Saline infused (mL): 2000 Saline ran for 42 minutes
START time of 0.9% Normal Saline infusion: 04:18 PM
END time of 0.9% Normal Saline infusion: 05:00 PM
AMOUNT of Zofran infused (mg): 4 mg
METHOD of Zofran infusion: IV push IV Push ran for 5 minutes
START time of Zofran infusion: 04:21 PM
END time of Zofran infusion: 04:26 PM

"For each IVP that is given during hydration, subtract 15 minutes from the normal saline time, unless multiple IVPs are given within 15 minutes of each other." - Does this rule still apply when the exact time of the IVP is given?
Because counting only 5 min means we could bill 96374 AND 96361, otherwise only the IVP.

All ideas are welcomed!
96374 w/96361

I have a question about IV Push and hydration coding concerning the time calculations.
Concerning this scenario:
V fluids and medications
Fluids 0.9% Normal Saline ...
VOLUME of 0.9% Normal Saline infused (mL): 2000 Saline ran for 42 minutes
START time of 0.9% Normal Saline infusion: 04:18 PM
END time of 0.9% Normal Saline infusion: 05:00 PM
AMOUNT of Zofran infused (mg): 4 mg
METHOD of Zofran infusion: IV push IV Push ran for 5 minutes
START time of Zofran infusion: 04:21 PM
END time of Zofran infusion: 04:26 PM

"For each IVP that is given during hydration, subtract 15 minutes from the normal saline time, unless multiple IVPs are given within 15 minutes of each other." - Does this rule still apply when the exact time of the IVP is given?
Because counting only 5 min means we could bill 96374 AND 96361, otherwise only the IVP.

All ideas are welcomed!

Good morning,

In this scenario, you would subtract the actual time of the IVP from the saline time.