Wiki IV Push Followed by IV Piggy Back Hydration 4 Minutes Later


Pittsburgh, PA
Best answers
IVP of drug at 20:16
IVBP of Normal Saline for Hydration Start 20:20 End 21:00
The question here is, since the hydration was via piggy back do we subtract 15 minutes for 96374 from the hydration time? (11 minutes total considering that the drug was still on the pole 4 minutes later at the beginning the NSS).

There we not any real similar examples that I could find in the guidelines for this particular scenario.

There are two possibilities here (maybe more we didn't think about):
1. We have one argument to code both 96374 and 96361 (40 minutes of independent hydration) assuming a stop time for 96374 when the IVBP hydration started.
2. We have another argument to code only 96374 the by definition of the IV piggy back of the New Bag of NSS it would be dispensed during the IVP of the drug. (29 minutes of independent hydration). We thought to assign the 15 minutes to the 96374 minus the 4 minutes between the IVP and IVBP.

IVBP AHIMA definition - IV Piggyback (IVPB): A method to administer medication through an existing IV tube inserted into a patient's vein, hence the term “piggyback.” The medication in an IV piggyback is usually mixed in a small amount of compatible fluid, such as normal saline.


Thoughts or questions on number 1 or number 2?