Wiki IV push coding


North Little Rock, AR
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Let's say that during a visit in the ER a patient recieves the following IVPs:

two demerol pushes
two zofran pushes

How would you report that? I know you would bill the initial push and an additional push, but what about the other two pushes since there are two drugs?

Also, let's say a different patient comes in and has a Rocephin infusion and three zofran pushes. How would you report that?

Thanks in advance for any help!
The codes would be 96374 for 1st demerol, 96375 for 1st zofran then 96376 x 2 for the same drug given again as IVP, as long as the additional demerol and zofran given have a push time at least 31 mins between the last push given.
The Rocephin and 3 zofran pushes(I'm assuming the Rocephin is a push) would be 96374, 96375, and 96376 x 2 as long as the times documented are at least 31 mins apart in order to charge for them.