Wiki IV Placement


Beech Island, SC
Best answers
We place IVs in an Urgent Care setting and then transfer the patient via EMS to the ER. 31 minutes has not passed in order to charge the 96360. What can we bill, if anything for our work of placing the IV?

Thank you!
We place IVs in an Urgent Care setting and then transfer the patient via EMS to the ER. 31 minutes has not passed in order to charge the 96360. What can we bill, if anything for our work of placing the IV?

Thank you!

Use code 96374 for anything less than 31 minutes
IV placement

You cannot charge hydration hrs if hydration did not run > 30 mins. You can capture IV placement as part of E&M. 96374 does not apply - IV push 15 mins or less - this is only applicable for meds not hydration. Hope this helps.