Wiki IV Lasix


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If a patient is on IV Lasix, would this be considered High Medical Decision making? Would it fall under Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity?
I've never heard of Lasix posing a toxicity risk or requiring intensive monitoring for this reason. I would not consider it an indicator of high risk for MDM purposes unless the physician has documented that something particular in the patient's condition that puts them at high risk with this drug and that they're ordering lab or other diagnostic tests specifically for this. Really any drug can pose a risk, so I think it's important to rely on the documentation to reflect the risk and not simply base it on the type of drug that is ordered.
IV lasik

I am not sure that it would make critical MDM but it is like fine tuning a machine. Too much lasik is a problem or not enough is a problem. I also think it would depend on the patients history. IE; kidney problems, hearth rhythm issues, lots of things that are effected by fluids and electrolytes.
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