Wiki IV Fluid Coding


Hancock, MD
Best answers
Hi! I am trying to figure out the most profitable way to code for IV therapy given in office. We offer IV infusion therapy. This is therapeutic not for chemo or anything.
Hi! I am trying to figure out the most profitable way to code for IV therapy given in office. We offer IV infusion therapy. This is therapeutic not for chemo or anything.
There aren't multiple options for coding IV fluid administration - you can only code for what was documented according to CPT guidelines. There isn't a way to code differently that will make it 'profitable', there's only correct coding and incorrect coding.

Profitability doesn't depend on coding, it depends on costs and reimbursement. If your practice wants the service to be profitable, it needs to ensure that the costs don't exceed the reimbursement. So you'll need to look at what your payers will reimburse for the services you offer, and then look at the costs of the drugs, fluids, supplies, office overhead, staff time, etc., and determine whether or not those payments will cover the costs. If the costs aren't covered by the payments, then you should look at either trying to negotiate better contracts with the payers, or trying to find alternative suppliers who can offer the items to your practice at a lower cost. If your practice is a small one, neither of these tasks are going to be easy because large organizations have much more leverage with payers and suppliers, and you could possibly find that it's simply not possible for a small practice to offer this service profitably.