Wiki IV billing


Minnetonka, MN
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So I had a povider start an IV in Urgent care The pt was then transported to the hospital not a full 31 mins was spent in our care but there was 20 mins spent and documented what could I do to bill this I assumed a modifier 52 but was told it has to be completely taken off is this true. :confused:
Was it just hydration? Were any medications administered through the IV while the patient was at the urgent care facility?

If any medications were given, you would bill the appropriate drug admin code (96365 probably).

I'm not certain about the modifier. I don't believe it can be applied to 96360 but I have no reference for that. We rarely bill hydration only in the oncology practice I am in and never for less than 31 minutes but on occasion a patient will get hydration following chemotherapy to finish up any fluids required by the regimen they are on. If that hydration-only time is less than 31 minutes, we bill nothing for it.

Sorry that's not much help! :)