Wiki IUD missing strings/in-office ultrasound/Documentation requirements


Quakertown, Pennsylvania
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Hello!! I am in need of some assistance from the coding community, please!!!

Our OB/Gyn office has recently obtained ultrasound machines. Our providers would like to bill for the ultrasounds performed in the office when the patient has IUD malposition/lost IUD strings. Images will be stored in the patients' medical records. I am trying to help put together some templates to better capture the needed written documentation and attach proper coding to generate from the document.

I would greatly appreciate any further guidance and links to additional resources!!! I pulled insurance policies, but they don't answer my documentation questions.

I see 76857 is pelvis ultrasound, limited or follow-up, which would be transabdominal, limited. It seems, to me, the proper documentation of the location of IUD would suffice for the documentation as we are referred to report on "one" of the documentation requirements for 76856 (assuming this falls under "pelvic pathology").
We have this template set to prompt:
IUD: "visualized" or "not visualized"
IUD Position: "Central", "Superior", "Inferior" or "Endocervical canal"
Evidence of perforation: "Yes" or "No"
"Free text" box to add any other pertinent information.

For the TVUS- Do the providers have to document all the components of the transvaginal ultrasound (76830) in order to bill for checking IUD location? I'd like to set the TVUS template like the 76857 template, but I thought I saw if the ultrasound is not performed in full to bill a limited study. I do not see a transvaginal u/s limited study. Would 76857 be appropriate to use or could 76830 be reported with -52 modifier (grasping at straws here)? I'm not sure if the providers are going to give pushback on documenting: evaluation of the uterus (including evaluation of the endometrium), ovaries, cul de sac, and parametrium when all they are really focusing on is the location of the IUD. (I'm sure they'll do it, if I can show them proof of the need.)

Thoughts? Suggestions? Links?
Thank you, in advance!! I truly appreciate the help!
With regards to documentation requirements for radiology testing, the radiology organizations are typically a good resource. AIUM and ACR.
FYI - some insurances may require accreditation to pay you for in office ultrasounds. On my contracts, ob/gyns are usually permitted to do certain exams (like 76830 & 76857) without accreditation. Your contracts/carrier policies could differ.
You would typically bill based on the approach. To my knowledge, with TV 76830 there are not requirements of specific items to be documented as there are with 76856 which is specifically described as complete.

Hope that helps!