Wiki Is Transitional Care Management (TCM) appropriate for this patient?


Sewickley, PA
Best answers
Hello. Hoping someone can help with my TCM question.

A TCM service was started for a patient who was in the hospital and worked up for chest pain. All diagnostic testing was negative. A 2 day outreach, medication reconciliation and a face-to-face visit with the physician was completed. The physician addressed the patient's resolved chest pain, stable hypertension and stable hyperlipidemia. He ordered the nurse to follow up with the patient in a week to get an updated status on the patient's condition. Wants to make sure the patient is not having any chest pain symptoms that may prompt the patient to go back to the hospital. The RN called the patient who was feeling fine and reported no chest pain symptoms.

Is it appropriate to report a TCM service for this patient considering clinical non-face-to-face services only included a follow-up phone call to the patient to address current health status?

Thank you!!