Wiki Is this scenario billable?


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I am new to Family Practice coding and I've done some research on this scenario but I'm not sure whether the codes I've found will work or not.
My doc has been doing PT/INR review's for established patients of hers that are in home health situations. She reviews the results and adjusts medications/gives indications based on the results. I've found several possiblities, 99334, 99374, & 99363/99364. Would Medicare allow any of these to be billed in this case? It appears 99363/99364 are B codes and are considered bundled so would 99363 be billed with the initial visit containing the start of anticoagulation medication and then 99364 at the 90 day mark? Also, would the DX code used be v58.69?
Thanks for any help you can give :)
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