Wiki Is this consultation billable? Death Note


Jacksonville, FL
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Consultation and death note:

I received a call for consultation on this patient this evening. I arrived to see the patient. brief review of the chart indicated the patient was established as a DNR, comfort care. She was admitted with pulmonary infiltrates and decompensated CHF, with multiple previous medical problems. The family was at the bedside, and upon my arrival, the patient was dead. She was unresponsive, with no pulse an no respiratory effort. The family wished no heroic efforts, no CPR, no intubation, no mechanical ventilation and no further medical care. The patient was pronounced dead at 8.00a. The family was at the bedside and advised as such.

Is this billable?

NO consult

If you were called for a consult, no it's not billable. Patient had already expired when you arrived.

If you were the attending physician and pronounced the patient you would code a discharge service.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC