Wiki Is there a such thing??


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Have you ever known anyone to get a job from home coding only ICD-10 codes, not CPT? The reason I’m asking is because I got my CPC in 2015, the job that I have is working in an Inpatient Rehab where I only need to do the ICD-10 codes. It’s so different because the part I do with the codes, don’t even apply the ICD-10 coding guidelines. Now, we have a separate HIM coder that does the ICD-10 codes for the UB-04 which does follow the guidelines. My point is although I do hold the credential of CPC, to say that I’ve utilized completely is not true. I’ve never coded a true medical record. I want to get into the whole part of coding, but at this point not sure where to start without the experience. I’m wanting to do it from home part time, if possible. . I would love some input!!!
Perhaps look into risk adjustment coding...

The first thing I would say is that even if you're not using the guidelines, you're still more familiar with ICD codes than someone with absolutely no coding experience, so in my opinion it would be a little easier to find a job where you're using both ICD and CPT coding. I would recommend not telling the interviewer that you don't use the guidelines, and every day review a chapter of the guidelines. Even if you don't memorize them you'll at least be somewhat familiar with them and know where to go to get the information you need, and as you use the guidelines more and more you'll need to reference them in the manual less and less.

Secondly, if you want to stick with ICD coding you could always look into risk adjustment coding. AAPC has a specific credential for it as well, the CRC. I see quite a lot of job postings for risk adjustment coding on the website.