Wiki Is there a code for high risk of complications of covid-19?


Lindstrom, MN
Best answers
Hello all,

I am a new coder and I have a provider who wants me to code that a patient is "At high risk for complication of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection". I've tried a few ways of looking it up a few ways in the Index, and maybe I just missed it, but does anyone know what ICD-10 code I should use for this? Is there a code for this? The patient has not tested positive for COVID-19, nor do they have any symptoms of it. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
There's no code for this. There are codes for susceptibility to genetic disease but not for other types of disease. What was the reason for the encounter? If the patient had no symptoms and no diagnosed condition that was under evaluation, then it would be coded based on the reason for the visit, such as for counseling, or suspected exposure, or observation for a suspected condition ruled out.
I do not think there is any code for this. I would assume they are at high risk for complication due to underlying health conditions (DM, obesity, COPD, etc.). I would code those health conditions.