Wiki Is Preventive Visit Followup Billable

Pelham, New York
Best answers

I work in an primary care clinic, which provides a high number of preventive visits (99385-99387 (99395-99397).

My questions are:

1- Is the follow-up visit billable ?

2- If Billable, how would the followup visit to discuss the test results be coded and billed ?

Thank you.
If the patient has a problem that requires follow-up, or if something was identified during the preventive visit or lab work that needs additional evaluation or treatment, then that would be billable as with an E&M code in the 99211-99215 range. I'm not sure why else the patient would require a follow-up on a preventive service, but if it's just to go over normal lab results or continue the preventive service in some way, that's not something that really qualifies or meets medical necessity requirement as a separately billable service.