Wiki Is 99205 appropriate if 911 is called?

Douglas, AK
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We had a patient come into the office with severe hypoglycemia. The provider attempted to treat it but was unsuccessful so 911 was called and the patient was taken to the hospital. Would 99205 be appropriate in this situation even though our provider ended up handing the patient off to someone else for treatment?
Probably, however it would still have to be documented correctly by MDM or time. This was a new patient?
Was it 1 chronic illness with severe exacerbation? Sounds like it.
Was there a decision regarding hospitalization? Probably.
Did the provider discuss the case/patient with the ED or other external provider at the hospital? Most likely unless they met them there to admit.
Alternately, was total time documented and were the activities documented and meets the time for 5?
If they were so hypoglycemic they were admitted via the ED or direct.
Yes it was a chronic illness with severe exacerbation. From what the documentation says, the provider just called 911 and the patient was transported to the hospital in an ambulance. There is nothing about talking to anyone at the hospital and our clinic is not connected to the hospital in any way. The provider attempted to treat the illness by giving the patient food to bring his blood sugar up but it didn't work.
Yes it was a chronic illness with severe exacerbation. From what the documentation says, the provider just called 911 and the patient was transported to the hospital in an ambulance. There is nothing about talking to anyone at the hospital and our clinic is not connected to the hospital in any way. The provider attempted to treat the illness by giving the patient food to bring his blood sugar up but it didn't work.
Tricky. If it were me I might ask if the provider meant to bill an office visit at all. If so, sounds like the documentation is lacking and wouldn't necessarily support the 5 even though the scenario probably does. I guess you could call it chronic with severe/life threatening and decision for hospitalization = high. Tough w/o seeing a note.
Yes it was a chronic illness with severe exacerbation. From what the documentation says, the provider just called 911 and the patient was transported to the hospital in an ambulance. There is nothing about talking to anyone at the hospital and our clinic is not connected to the hospital in any way. The provider attempted to treat the illness by giving the patient food to bring his blood sugar up but it didn't work.
We would count this as a five on the MDM table. You hit the severe exacerbation on the diagnosis line and the decision regarding hospitalization. He clearly has decided the patient needs to be hospitlaized.
I am very blessed as I get to ask these questions straight to one of the members of the AMA who makes the coding guideline changes and he codes level fives like this