Wiki Irrigation and Debridement of rt thigh with wound closure application of Wound VAC


Bloomsburg, PA
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Question~Hope someone can advise me.

I am coding an Operative Note. Patient was attacked viciously by a steer. He got a 40-50 cm laceration to his thigh.

The initial surgery I coded with 13121 and 13122.

Unfortunately he had to be returned to the operating room due to infection.

I want to code 10180 (Incision and Drainage complex post op wound infection)and 13160 (2ndary closure of surgical wound or dehiscence, extensive or complicated) but I am not sure if this is correct. And do I code for the application of wound VAC? I have never coded for the wound VAC before. I code for ortho, but have only been coding for a few months and this is the first of this type of surgery for me.

I am not quoting word by word, but this is what the Dr. did, "removed sutures, large skin flap had considerable ecchymosis around the laceration margins. It was still warm. The wound was irrigated with bacitracin. Debrided some skin edges that looked little dusky. There was no debris seen in the wound. The wound was closed loosely and then a wound VAC was applied over the wound."

This is a very serious injury. He was taken back to the OR a total of 4-5 times.

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.