Wiki Irm ureter cath/stent plc

Green Cove Springs, FL
Best answers
Looking for help with some radiology coding.

Our new doc works out of the hospital so he does a wide range of interventional radiology procedures, just trying to get a handle to see if I am on the right track.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

1. Conscious sedation
2. Left antegrade nephrostogram through existing catheter
3. Placement of double-J stent on the left
4. Right antegrade nephrostogram through existing catheter
5. Placement of double-J stent on the right

50394-50 (some say bill 50394-LT and 50394-RT-59)
50393-50 (some say bill 50393-LT and 50393-RT-59)

Can I bill 99144 for Conscious sedation? I'm thinking no.
I think 52332 should be coded for placement of double-J stent with mod 50 for bilateral procedure. For code 99144, please verify if an independent trained observer to assist in the monitoring of the patient's level of consciousness and physiological status is present. Rest is fine.

P.S.: Also delete S&i code (74480) of 50393.

I think 52332 should be coded for placement of double-J stent with mod 50 for bilateral procedure. For code 99144, please verify if an independent trained observer to assist in the monitoring of the patient's level of consciousness and physiological status is present. Rest is fine.

P.S.: Also delete S&i code (74480) of 50393.


I first had it coded 52332 but that code is for cystourethroscopy w/ insert of stents, my doc only inserted stents and says nothing about the other in his documentation so I don't think that the use of 52332 is correct .

As for the 99144, my documentation reads;

"Patient given ........ Dr. XXX (my doc) was present and monitored throughout the procedure as well"

So yes, there was an independent trained observer to assist in the monitoring of the patient's level of consciousness and physiological status, that's why I thought no on my doc billing for it.