Wiki Invoicing Vaccinations


Tolleson, AZ
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I need some clarification on how vaccinations should look on superbill invoices. The company I work for specializes in travel immunizations and we do not contract with insurances so we give the patient a superbill invoice in order for them to submit a member claim for reimbursement. I've been getting a lot of patients coming back stating that their insurance company is denying the invoice due to the coding being incorrect. In one specific case the invoice for a patient included E/M 99403 and we used Z71.84 as the diagnosis. We included the vaccine code 90675 and used Z23 as the diagnosis. Is this not correct? Do I have to add Z23 with the E/M code as well? Would I also include a line item for the administration code? Any insight would be appreciated as I am still a new medical coder and apparently the only one employed by my company so I do not have a superior to ask these questions.