Wiki Invasive Vascular Ultrasound Duplex with ABI's and Segmental's?

Klamath Falls, OR
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My Provider is seeing a patient with "over a year of swelling and edema in ankle and leg causes unknown. Not diabetic and no previous injury. Arterial pulses are diminished. Posterior tibial pulses difficult to palpate with pitting edema."

The provider has ordered a DVT ultrasound (I have coded this out) and an "Invasive Vascular Ultrasound Duplex with ABI's and Segmental's". I have the ABI's and Segmental's portion, however the hospital's radiology department is stating we need to use a 20206 (Biopsy, muscle, percutaneous needle) for the Invasive Vascular Ultrasound Duplex, but I do not feel comfortable with that.

I can locate several non-invasive scans, but I am having difficulty with the invasive. I did quarry the provider and am waiting to see if this should be an Intravascular procedure but wondered if any of you have come across this?

Assistance and thought are appreciated.