Wiki Intrauterine pregnancy???


Birmingham, AL
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What ICD-9 code should be used for a intrauterine pregnancy. I have asked my co-workers this question before & I was told to use 646.83, but I'm still not sure about using this code. I don't think 633.91 is correct either if there's no documentation of an ectopic pregnancy or intrauterine death which rules out 656.4X. Any help would be appreciated.
it idepends on what the visit is for, if it is a visit to check the pregnancy it is V22.1 or V22.0. If it is for something else and the patient also is pregnant then it depends on how it is documented, If the provider documents that the current condition is not affecting the management of the pregnancy then you code the problem and use V22.2 secondary. Otherwise we assume all conditions affect the pregnancy and you will use a chapter 11 code first listed, such as 648.xx, whereas the 646.xx codes indicate there is complication with the pregnancy, and if that is documented as the reason for the encounter then it is appropriate. Therefore if you can provide more information as to the nature of the encounter then I can answer more specific.
Thanks for your response. I have a couple of scenarios. 1) The patient comes in with pelvic pain or 2) Patient comes in with vaginal bleed, then final dx is just Intrauterine pregnancy. Should I consider this a complication?