Wiki intraoperative TEE during CABG


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Can we bill for a transesophageal echo during a CABG, what code would we use if we can. I checked STS and did not see it was one of the inclusive global procedure.
Yes, we bill for the TEE using 93314, 93320, and 93325 as long as documentation supports the two add-on codes. We use 93314 because the surgeon never inserts the probe, it's always the anesthesiologist. We also bill for epiaortic ultrasound which is done prior to cannulating the aorta. For that we use 76998
Jeremy- When you bill for Epiaortic ultrasound, 76998, are you billing with mod -26 and/or new X_ code?
Also, do your Dr.'s have the physical documentation/results of the epi ultrasound?

Mandi Balder, CPC
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Yes, we bill the 76998 with the 26 and XS modifier. I use that because the epiaortic evaluates a different structure than the TEE.
I noticed my doctor does not dictate a separate result note for the TEE he only mentions his findings in the operative report, can we still bill separately?
yes, if the findings are in the operative report then that is enough documentation to support billing the TEE. typically the first paragraph of the operative report is the TEE, epiaortic ultrasound, endoscopic vein harvest, and then they dive into cardiopulmonary bypass and starting the surgery.