Consult code
Scenario 1: Intraoperative consult where consulting physician does NOT perform any surgery. Bill the appropriate consult code, according to documentation. (Could be inpatient or outpatient depending on patient's hospital admit status vs day surgery). Read my NOTE at the end of this post.
Scenario 2: IF your physician was called to consult and made a decision for surgery, which he then performed, then yes, you could code the consult (with a -57 modifier) and the surgery. Read my NOTE at the end of this post
BUT ...
IF your physician was called in because the case was too complex for one surgeon to handle, then there is no consult.
NOTE: In my experience, it would be a rare day, indeed, to see documentation that actually supported an intraoperative consult. I rarely see any history documented and physical exam is necessarily very limited by the necessity to maintain a sterile operative field, and the patient's anesthetized condition. Not saying it never happens ... it's just very rare. In that case you have a 99499 Unlisted E/M.
Hope that helps.
F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC