Wiki Intra-operative consult


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I was hoping somebody could help me. One of our surgeons was called into a surgery by a vascular surgeon to help control bleeding. This patient it a medicare pt. How do we code for this consult. The doctor did no ros or physical exam, just help establish where the bleeding was coming from. Our surgeon did document that it took 30 minutes to identify where the bleeding was coming from.


Stacey, CPC
Need more info. Did he scrub in and perform any part of the surgery? or was he just standing by the OR table shouting questions at the surgeon? ;) It might be that he can bill for a portion of the surgery. What did the op note say?

If it's truly a depends on the status of patient. Inpatient status, use 99221-99223. Outpatient, 99201-99215, depending on if he's seen the patient before.

We usually code intraoperative consults ... i.e. where a doctor is called in to provide advice/opinion to the surgeon ... with 99499 - Unlisted E/M procedure.

If the physician actually assisted with the procedure (almost sounds like it in your scenario), then I would bill him/her as an assist (assuming the procedure takes that modifier).

Hope that helps

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC