Wiki Intra-operative consult


Warsaw, OH
Best answers
I have a general surgeron being called for an Intra-Operative consult. Is it acceptable to bill this encounter with 99241-99245--of course if the payer still reimburses for these codes.

Also, if a patient is coming to the GI office to see about getting a screening colonoscopy, and the patient has no problems or risks, are these encounters supposed to be billed with the consult codes?

Any guidance would be appreciated.
Thank you!!
99499 Unlisted E/M

An intra-operative consult will probably not meet documentation guidelines for the consultation codes 99241-45. It's difficult/impossible to get a history from an anesthetized patient. Your examination will be severely limited due to operative field draping.

I have always used a 99499 Unlisted E/M service for intra-operative consultations.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC