Wiki Intra-op consult - ? any takers??


Northeast Kansas AAPC
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Dr. _____ was performing a myomectomy of the endometrium and had 4 large pieces of the myomectomy which she had broken up and excised. Unfortunately, she was not able to locate the fourth piece and was concerned about leaving this in the patient as a retained foreign body. I was consulted intraoperatively to run the bowel and to help locate this piece of myometrium.

Under satisfactory general anesthesia, the patient already positoined and all trocars in place. the abdomen was examined with a 30 degree scope. First the pelvis was checked and no sign of the foreign body was seen. There were still some myometrial pieces which were found in the right uppe quadrant. These were moved down to the pelvis to clear the area. The small bowel was then run from the ligament of Treitz to the ileocecal valve. In doing this, the large myometrial mass was identified in the right upper quadrant below the splenic flexure of the colon. this was placed in the pelvis. Once this was located, Dr. ___ proceeded with the surgery. Excess blood and fluid were evacuated from the abdomen. The patient tolerated this part of the procedure well.

PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Exploratory laparoscopy with location of retained foreign material.

Thought maybe 49320 with a modifier 52 siince my doc did not start or end the procedure. Any ideas???