Wiki interventions on bypass grafts legs


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Can someone tell me if the new interventional codes should be used when coding for pta's, stents etc... when performed in the leg? Or would the treated graft be considered a venous code? for example if patient has a femoral to politeal graft that is angioplstied would you code using the new 2011 peripheral codes?
Can someone tell me if the new interventional codes should be used when coding for pta's, stents etc... when performed in the leg? Or would the treated graft be considered a venous code? for example if patient has a femoral to politeal graft that is angioplstied would you code using the new 2011 peripheral codes?

Good question! I consider the graft the same as the native vessel. So in you case, the fem-pop graft would be the same as treating the native SFA, and the same rules apply. Anyone else have a comment?

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
i would agree ,
the fact is that the graft is acting as the primary blood supply so its almost as if the native is not there .... kind of , however if the graft is going to multiple territory then you are looking a diffrent animal . but for the senerio above i would agree