Wiki Interventional Cardiology Course Recommendations


Punta Gorda, FL
Best answers
What does everyone recommend for a good, comprehensive course on interventional cardiology? I’m looking to also take the CCC.

Thanks for any insights!
For me, I just purchased the practice exams, a Vascular chart from amazon and took mini quizes through quizlet on cardiology there was also one coding quiz i took through either AMA or AHIMA for free and i found it to be very beneficial. I would also recommend knowing your guidelines in each area as well as your vascular families :) Best of luck to you!

Tiffany Griffith, CPC, CPMA, CCC, Professional
Interventional Cardiology

In my opinion, the most important thing to learn is your catheter selection/vascular families and your coding guidelines (when it comes to the peripherals, the guidelines can get kind of tricky). I would focus on those, then branch out from there. Also, I would definitely order some anatomy cards to help with coding catheter selection (it will make a big difference, if you're a visual learner. It serves the same purpose as appendix L, but is in a picture format.) I LOVE PICTURES! Good Luck on your exam!
Thanks a lot for the replies and suggestions! I was looking at the AAPC study guide and practice exam. That may be the way to go. I def need to learn cardiology anatomy vessels and orders and all that. Seems a bit tricky but fun.

Thanks again! I am visual as well so I will hunt down some graphics.