Wiki Interprofessional assessment and management codes 99446-99449


Billings, MT
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We have a patient who discharged from our psychiatrist’s care and is now seeing a psychiatrist in another state. The new psychiatrist is asking to have a consultation with our psychiatrist, stating the purpose as, “review of prior treatment history and collaboration of care”. Our clinic manager is asking if we can bill for our psychiatrist’s time. Is this a situation where we could use the interprofessional assessment and management codes (99446-99449), or should we do this as a professional courtesy and not bill for it? Thanks!
Thank you for the quick response and reference. I think I would feel more confident using the codes if we ask the requesting psychiatrist to be a bit more specific about the reason for the request, stating what problem(s) he/she wants to address.

"Since the type or severity of the problem is not defined, any condition may qualify for consultative services. However, the codes typically are reported when a new problem arises or a chronic issue is not well-managed or exacerbates."