Wiki Interpreting provider not located in US


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When a provider leaves the country (for a vacation or extended leave), can they still interpret studies and bill for the professional component? This is from the Medicare manual:

30 - Physician Services
(Rev. 147, Issued: 08-26-11, Effective: 01-01-11, Implementation: 11-28-11)
A. General
......For example, the interpretation by a physician of an actual electrocardiogram or electroencephalogram reading that has been transmitted via telephone (i.e., electronically rather than by means of a verbal description) is a covered service.
Professional services of the physician are covered if provided within the United States, and may be performed in a home, office, institution, or at the scene of an accident. A patient's home, for this purpose, is anywhere the patient makes his or her residence, e.g., home for the aged, a nursing home, a relative's home.

Is this interpreted to mean that the provider has to be in the country at the time of the interpretation? Some have said that since the patient received the technical component in the United States, it doesn't matter where the provider is when the interpretation is done. Any insight is appreciated!
This specifically says 'professional service'. That means the physician's interpretation/report/ i.e. read. As you know, that's performed and reported separately from the technical service. The POS when billing for the read is always going to be the place where the actual face-to-face took place (which might be contributing to the confusion), but it's clear that the reading provider has to be within the US when they report the results, even if done electronically.