Wiki Interpreter for Hearing Impaired


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Does anyone know if we can bill for a hearing interpreter? We are charged from the interpreter co $125.00. Has anyone billed for this service? Any help will be appreciated!
Does the patient have insurance? If yes, check with the carrier. My only experience with this was with a Medicaid patient. Medicaid pays for an interpreter but it has to be THEIR interpreter, that is, someone on their contract list. Perhaps private insurances also have contracted interpreter providers for the hearing impaired.

I do not believe that you can bill the patient for an interpreter. This falls under the Americans with Disabilities and is considered to be part of the provider's cost of doing business for equal access to healthcare for those with disabilities.
Thanks Bready for your reply. Yes, the pt has insurance, Humana. I spoke to our rep. She is double checking but she is sure it is not a covered service. I don't understand why. I am going to try very hard to get this covered.