Wiki Interp date coding


Lancaster , PA
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Hi...just wondering who codes/bills by the interp date? For example, an ekg done on 10/30, however doc doesn't read it until 10/31. therefore, you use 10/31 as dos. We are running into some situations with that...such as dos after the inpt stay, discharged on 10/30 but ekg billed as inpt on 10/31??? Does anybody else run into this? thanks Sandy
Our CMS contractor allows us to do it either way, but you may have to do some research as to what they expect. Since the pro-fee charge is typically billed on the date of the read, a directive from CMS instructing to code/bill on the date of the read was recently issued, and then quickly rescinded. Good news for us, because we are a hospital system, and our software only allows the one date: the date of the diagnostic test.
the day it was done should be coded
when insurance asks for documentation and you go looking in the hospital records
you find it by the date it was done not the reading of it