Wiki Intern with a coding question

Greensburg, PA
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I am new on here. I am in my last semester of college and am interning at a podiatrists office. The physician wants to know if he can get paid for a post surgical x-ray and if so how to go about it. The other worker at the office says if he tries to report the x-ray it will get denied. From what I have read so far is that the x-ray is not included in the global period and he should be able to report and get paid for it. Do I need to append any modifier to the x-ray code. Also want to add that he was the one who performed the surgery and is doing the aftercare. Anybody help please. I can't find the answer anywhere and thought I would try here. I will be taking my cpc exam in August.
It depends on intent. Is he doing it immediately after surgery, to document what he did? Is it a fracture that he needs to xray after reduction to see if it is correctly aligned? Is it at some later point because he thinks something is wrong or out of alignment? We might be able to help if we know more info.
Well that is the problem with this podiatrist, he does not give you the report. He just comes out of the room and wants the codes and I was trained to code by reading the reports because many factors play into the codes. So to be honest I do not know.