Wiki Intercostal Hernai

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How would you code the repair of hernia left subcostal tip of 11th rib. Surgeon went in to remove what he thought was a lipoma and discovered it was a hernia, repaired it with mesh and closed. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks:)
Subcostal Hernia

Sounds like ventral or incisional? What exactly was herniated? Can you give a little more of the actual op note? I've actually seen where the lung herniates through the rib cage so would need more detail.

The op note never said what was hernaited. The surgeon states he reapproximated the fascia with 2-0 vicryl. A polypropylene mesh was fashioned to fit the space so he had approximately 2 cm overlap of the area of eventration and was secured again with 2--0 vicryl.
his final diagnosis "Repair of hernia left subcostal tip of 11th rib"
Thanks for any help you can supply.........ladymedic