Wiki Insurance Contracting/ IPA's

Dallas, TX
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Wondering what small to medium sized group physician practices out there use for their insurance contracting resources such as IPA's. Some names of IPA's would be great. I am located in Texas. I have used the same IPA (SPA) for years and can never negotiate fee schedules. Is this par for the course with all IPA's, are we just locked into whatever the fees are with no recourse when the fees keep decreasing through the years ?
Thank you.
Wondering what small to medium sized group physician practices out there use for their insurance contracting resources such as IPA's. Some names of IPA's would be great. I am located in Texas. I have used the same IPA (SPA) for years and can never negotiate fee schedules. Is this par for the course with all IPA's, are we just locked into whatever the fees are with no recourse when the fees keep decreasing through the years ?
Thank you.

Have you checked with the Texas Medical Society to see if they can help you?
I will check with the medical society, thank you. I spoke to our BCBS provider rep this week and she said that regardless if we were with IPA contract or individually contracted the bcbs allowables for our area /specialty in Texas would be non negotiable and that is our largest patient volume, so not too encouraged and our fee schedules were lowered effective July 1