Wiki Insurance companies using new 59 modifiers starting Jan 2015


Local Chapter Officer
Best answers
I am starting to query our insurance providers as to who will use the 4 new modifiers and who will not. I think if we can centralize this and post, it will save many people the grief once January gets here. If you receive a newsletter or update stating an insurance will use them, please post this info.

I received an email from Blue Cross of Nebraska that they WILL be using these.
Carriers using new X(EPSU) modifiers

I have found that Anthem BCBS and BCBS FL will not be recognizing the new modifiers. We have been told to bill as usual with the -59 when appropriate. I'm still checking out some of our other major carriers.
X Modifiers

Anthem will be accepting them eff 2/16/15. Until that date they can be submitted but will be considered informational.
25 and 59 modifiers

I have been using these modifiers ever since the Mental Health and Addiction Parity Act went into effect last year with all payers. I get paid from all of them in MI and IN with no rejects due to modifiers. Psychiatrists can not bill any other way unless they want to be paid like a master's degree therapist or doctoral level nonphysician. As Hedy Lamarr told the government agent who delivered her medal to her in a nursing home instead of a check-- "It's about time."