Wiki Inspection of Long Head Biceps Tendon


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My provider is performing an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair and an inspection of the long head biceps tendon. Is there a code for the inspection or would I use an unlisted or maybe a modifier 22 with the RTC repair?

Thanks in advance.

...A longitudinal incision of about 2.5 cm was then made in the axilla. Blunt dissection was carried down to the short head biceps, which was retracted medially. The pec tendon was retracted laterally. Long head biceps was immediately identified in the bicipital groove. It was mobilized with a hemostat and we tried to mobilize it from its proximal attachment, but it had tenodesed itself down in the bicipital groove and was very stable. I could not mobilize it. With the elbow in extension, the tendon was tight and did not have any laxity, and it was not felt I could advance the long head biceps by cutting it and reattaching it to any significant degree, and it wasn't felt that that would significantly change the muscular contour, and because it was tenodesed, I felt it would be functional, probably do fine, so the biceps was therefore left alone.
No code for inspecting the long head biceps tendon

Before performing any restorative procedure the surgeon will always inspect the entire joint for pathology and then finalize procedures.

The biceps tendon can be very problematic and is usually clipped, debrided or tenodesed depending on pathology.

Based on your documentation I would not try to add any code or modifier -22.