Wiki Insertion of drainage tube during a Cholecystectomy


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If the surgeon had to insert a drainage tube during a cholecystectomy, is that part of the surgical procedure? I know I saw list somewhere of what is part of surgeries, however, I cannot find it.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Marci K. CPC
Medicare says Drains are included. See Miscellaneous Services Below.

Medicare Claims Processing Manual Chapter 12 - Physicians/Nonphysician Practitioners

Components of a Global Surgical Package

Preoperative Visits - Preoperative visits after the decision is made to operate beginning with the day before the day of surgery for major procedures and the day of surgery for minor procedures;

Intra-operative Services - Intra-operative services that are normally a usual and necessary part of a surgical procedure;

Complications Following Surgery - All additional medical or surgical services required of the surgeon during the postoperative period of the surgery because of complications which do not require additional trips to the operating room;

Postoperative Visits - Follow-up visits during the postoperative period of the surgery that are related to recovery from the surgery;

Postsurgical Pain Management - By the surgeon;

Supplies - Except for those identified as exclusions; and

Miscellaneous Services - Items such as dressing changes; local incisional care; removal of operative pack; removal of cutaneous sutures and staples, lines, wires, tubes, drains, casts, and splints; insertion, irrigation and removal of urinary